Around 90.000 soldiers will be conducting the largest military exercise in decades, with the aim of ‘scaring off Putin’.

I was always cautious about war happening but with The West going on an unhinged speedrun it is becoming an option really.

    8 months ago

    While I assume they probably won’t do anything, I genuinely am worried this time might be different and they might push into western Ukraine and sit rear-guard between Russia and Kiev which is an escalation, and declaration of war on Russia but one that invites Russia to fire the first bullet against them while they get to claim they were just sitting there peacefully.

    Because in truth, growing up in the US and even becoming a Marxist for some time I was kind of ignorant of the full meaning and scope of these war games. I assumed them to just be posturing and a way for the defense industry to get paid for munitions in peacetime, but in reality in many places like occupied Korea, they are literally moments, an order away from crossing the line into a full on attack and invasion if intelligence suggests the enemy is no longer paying full attention and they think they have a good chance of killing the leadership and cutting off communications.

    But I really do tend to doubt they will escalate at this point with the situation elsewhere unless they’re really gunning for a new world war.

      8 months ago

      Why does NATO feel the need to conduct a huge military exercise all of a sudden if Russia is collapsing and thing are going great for NATO

      Let me put on my lib hat. Ahem.

      Well akschually this is not a big exercise, it’s just a fraction of the total NATO power which is so awesome in fact it would make your heart stop! Why, donthca tankies always moan about USA sending a million people in the LIBERATION of Iraq?! 90 thousand is just a teeny tiny bit of that, and it would be enough to scare that Putler straight!

      8 months ago

      Didn’t you also hear that BIG EVIL PUTLER is planning on conquering all of Europe after he’s done with Ukraine?! You must’ve missed them spinning the big wheel of rhetorical focus.