The only thing I know about Lukashenko is whatever was in John Oliver’s piece on him; so absolutely nothing. If y’all can help me out on that I’d be grateful.

Anyway, just saw this on twitter and thought it was very sus.

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    Opened comments to post this exact bit! Honestly this one specific meme is what tipped me over from flirting with being critically pro-Russian/Belarussian towards being like “yeah, okay” back in the beginning of this clusterf

        2 years ago

        I mean you can just google BBC Lukashenko interview. It’s the usual dishonest twisting of reality, poisoning the well, and “when did you stop beating your wife” type questions from the so-called “reporter” and he is having none of it. Then all the libs on Twitter tried to pretend like this interview was proof that he is some kind of unhinged maniacal dictator. Honestly i think more anti-imperialist leaders need to be speaking like this to the scum from the imperialist propaganda networks. Putin and Xi are always way too diplomatic. Lukashenko reminds me of a slavic Ortega or maybe a Maduro (sadly not quite Chavez who literally called W. Bush the devil at the UN)…except sadly he’s not (or at least he doesn’t openly admit it though i think it’s fairly clear he at least has Soviet sympathies, more so than Putin) a socialist.