All luxury items are a “cashgrab”. You don’t have to buy any of them. If you wouldn’t buy one at all, why are you commenting? I don’t wear a watch, but I also don’t go on threads about watches and say “I wouldn’t buy a watch at all”.
Forget about money, I think you need to invest your time better.
I’m commenting because I can, and you can’t make me not comment. I can voice my opinion, you can do with it what you will, other than prevent me from saying stuff
All luxury items are a “cashgrab”. You don’t have to buy any of them. If you wouldn’t buy one at all, why are you commenting? I don’t wear a watch, but I also don’t go on threads about watches and say “I wouldn’t buy a watch at all”.
Forget about money, I think you need to invest your time better.
I’m commenting because I can, and you can’t make me not comment. I can voice my opinion, you can do with it what you will, other than prevent me from saying stuff