First of all I would like to suggest to @ernest to take a day or two break from working on kbin and in general to not overwork himself.
Secondly, some sort of Patreon should be setup to streamline the donation process. I, probably like many others would like to just set up a recurring donation and forget about it.
Thirdly, I think it would be great we also have something like to keep this as transparent as possible.

    1 year ago

    Idk, Mastodon is much bigger than kbin (I think we’re talking 10x at this point), and as far as I know it’s still running fine on donations through Patreon or the like.
    But as long as it doesn’t change the way content is moderated/handled in the site, I’d still be fine with a sponsor or with ads (as long as there’s an option, even paid, to disable them).