I’m really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I’ll coast right through it. I’ll also accept “I don’t” and “very poorly” as answers

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    8 months ago

    In the end, staying for people is a valid decision!

    I’m more or less a hermit. I’m quite close to my small family, but that’s about it. My interests and hobbies are rather arcane, and I have rarely met my colleagues. Arguably I was a stranger to my home country long before I left to become a stranger in a new one. So it was maybe easier for me than it would have been otherwise.

    I’m glad to hear you lucked out in the housing market! It sounds so brutal over there. In some ways it’s more brutal here, in others less – a nice home on the outskirts of a medium-sized city might cost 250k USD. In a big city more central, maybe 750k USD. However, a median salary might be around 4500-7000 USD per year. So the amounts are lower, but the gap between costs and salary is vast and cruel.