It was really annoying back when I was a rightist but it’s even more frustrating now that I am a Marxist-Leninist that so-called “leftists” denounce pretty much every single successful socialist experience in history.

    1 year ago

    so I thought you guys thought they were socialists. I’m still learning about all this, I’m quite new to being on the left.

    I encourage you to read about the concept of critical support; you can have fundamental disagreements with somebody that you support in a particular aspect. Things do not have to binary 100% support/oppose.

    Most of us understand a lot of the underlying reasons Russia is in the conflict that they are in. We also recognize that we have a mutual enemy in NATO. While at a glance that may look like we really support Russia right now, that is mostly because we don’t have the same kneejerk reaction against them in the current political climate. It does not mean we support Russia blindly or that we think they are socialist nation. They aren’t even a particular ally to socialism, but we can still support them when our interests align.

    There are some people who think that because the USSR was socialist (true) that so is modern Russia, but that is generally a liberal point of view.