It can be anything: Scary, funny, confusing or embarrassing. What happened that stands out most in your mind?

    7 months ago

    We were visting my girlfriend’s family in Slovakia. Her cousin, who is an airline pilot, was also visiting at the same time and he spend his vaccation flying a small single prop plane to drop of parachutist at a small local airport. Really small. The runway literally was a just a field of gras. However it does have a MiG-21 flighter jet just causually chilling next to it. No fence or anything, it’s just sitting there next to the road.

    Anyway, so wie visited the small airport and watched my GF’s cousin for a few hours. After he was done dropping all the parachutist, he still had a little fuel left, so offered to give us a little joyride, which we accepted.

    Now I’m not sure if thats the standard for small planes used for the described purpose, but that plane was completly empty. There were the two pilots seats and behind that just … empty plane. No seats, no handles. It was a bit odd, but I didn’t think much about it … until we took off … with the DOOR OPEN. So we cowered as far away from the door, trying to hold on to anything.

    Eventually her cousin turned arouned, smirked and laughed and eventually closed the door. The flight was a lot more enjoyable after that.