Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17

    9 months ago

    Tbf Mkbhd has never been smart or technical. He has good video editing that’s it. His phone reviews have always been pretty trash too. He kept asking for bigger batteries and now he whines that the phones are too big and heavy.

    It really triggers me that he has become the face of “black tech Youtubers” when there’s people like Jeremy Fielding out there

      9 months ago

      Well, he’s played a role in getting me and I’m sure many others interested in tech in the first place (remember the OnePlus One days?). So I’d say he has a bit more going for him than just video editing, he summarizes tech really well and he just…sparks that tech passion in his viewers! But I simply can’t believe that in all these years he never stopped and pondered what in-transit encryption vs. end-to-end encryption might mean!

      To hammer my point home: This means he doesn’t understand why people would use Signal instead of sending a DM on Facebook or Instagram. Why any sane mind would pick Proton Mail over something like standard Gmail. He’s absolutely clueless as to what a data breach into popular password managers like Bitwarden or LastPass might mean. When Apple says things like (and imagining this in Tim Cook’s voice makes it a hundred times better) “What stays on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone.” or “end-to-end encrypted, meaning that not even Apple can access it”, he doesn’t understand any of it and just moves on. And mind you, these are Apple presentations we’re talking about, catered to the simple understanding of an average consumer.

      Yes, naturally everyone has to start somewhere, but I wish him and his team (c’mon guys, I KNOW you’ll read this!) would put a bit more effort into fillling knowledge gaps as soon as they come up, instead of just relying on their selective research each time a new video gets made and arrogantly thinking that in all other aspects they must still be ahead of 99% of all other people. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself: After one of his co-hosts asks people watching the podcast to tweet at him to explain it, Marques replies: “Good luck getting a tweet.”

      But hey, I hope these are only the first of many steps they’ll take in the big world of data protection, transparency, open-source, privacy and, of course, encryption ;)

      P.s. sorry for the wall of…text.

      Edit: clarification at the beginning.

      9 months ago

      I know I’m going to get downvoted to absolute hell for this but I kinda don’t like anybody who is an Apple fanboy. I used to be one like 5 years ago, however, I know have a pixel+graphene phone, arch linux laptop and desktop, selfhosted storage and media server, basically the tech nerd setup. I hate for the top YouTubers to be not a tech nerd but someone who promotes Apple fanboys who will just roll with the punches even if the company does something stupid.

      Anyways, thanks for the channel recommendation. If you haven’t watched Colin Furze yet, his shit is wild as well.

        9 months ago

        I don’t like anyone who is a fan of anything, I have used iphone (iphone 3G) and been using android ever since because I like to tweak my phones (roots and flashing custom roms), but I would definitely jump to another system if a better one comes around.