Voters want change, but still remain unsatisfied with their options

          1 year ago

          I hear you and I understand you. Remember, tfg wanted to “just start shooting” protesters, redrew a hurricane’s projected path, wanted to nuke the hurricanes iirc, etc. The “adults in the room” did a piss-poor job of whistle-blowing, but my goodness, had they not contained him as much as they did, I’m pretty sure his worst would have looked a lot more dire.

          Thank you for an amicable reply that furthers thought. I’m just of the opinion he really wanted to go that way. I’m open to deeper thought experiment, if you want to continue this.

          Btw, I am sorry if I came off as dismissive or minimizing of your predecessors’ experience. That’s not my intention and I don’t want to be insensitive. I’m very afraid that if something isn’t done to curb the rightward slide my country is experiencing, we’re going to get there quickly.

              1 year ago

              Criticism isn’t wrong, it can be healthy and productive. How people criticize is another topic. I’m blunt and it comes off the wrong way. I’m sorry for that, I’m thinking it’s because my compatriots and certain neighbors are outright rude and it’s because we’ve so underserved ourselves, academically, financially, and humanitarianly.

            1 year ago

            Nuking hurricanes is a surprisingly recurrent idea, it’s been around since the 50ies, and is probably the most American thing ever.

            Personally I think the Bush administration did more harm with its senseless wars, pointless torture and mass surveillance programs.
            And the Biden administration ‘Ministry of Truth’ is downright Orwellian.

            Trump was horrible as far as discourse is concerned, but actions wise, US policy has been consistently evil. Only less openly so.
            Of course I don’t live there, so my view reflects that.

      1 year ago

      Not to diminish that experience. But that also started with people laughing at Hitler all over Europe. Just like we laughed at Trump, our luck is that America seems to be 50/50 not 80/20 like the Nazis benfore WW2.

      Hey maybe all America needs is extreme poverty for more people to give in to the strong man logic and we ain’t safe.

      1 year ago

      Your story is moving but the nazis existed before that and before they where in power. Germany was a democracy that became a fascist state. It did not start out with guns to the head. This is what he and others mean when they call him a fascist. Not ww2 fully have taken over fascist but the having barfights with communists fascists before the took over.

      1 year ago

      I’m sorry that happened to your grandmother but what does that have to do with that? Parent comment says he is a fascist and never mentions Nazis (though he also happens to be one).

      Having a grandmother traumatized by the horrors of war doesn’t make you an expert in the politics that started it. Going by your logic, my grandfather fought Nazis in WWII and that makes me uniquely qualified to tell you trump is a fascist that is mostly interested by the capital being a ruler brings him, and that he absolutely endorses the killing of Jewish people and minorities in general, as that bolsters the base that gives him money. Bolstering that base makes them arm themselves politically and personally, giving rise to the current fascist laws being passed in red states and the countless right wing domestic terrorist groups. As someone who would be a target of both of these were I living in the united states, I find your comment to be ignorant and offensive. Trump is a Nazi and you can see him enticing his Nazi voter base to arm themselves with military grade equipment and preparing to wholesale murder liberals like it’s going out of style.

        1 year ago

        Scathing! I might have chosen to say “a bit myopic ,” as I well-understand the sensitivity around this topic and saved “ignorant and offensive” for an adjacent topic, but otherwise, I’m older and stuck in said red state. I’m quite alarmed at the current state of policy.

      1 year ago

      No-one said he is a Nazi, just that he’s a fascist. There are multiple different flavours of fascism – it isn’t all literally shooting people in the head and ordering thousands of people into death camps, it can be more subtle and insidious than that.

      Also worth mentioning that fascism generally doesn’t start with the ethnic cleansing and mass murder, it starts with things like; scapegoating minorities, being overly tough on crime, and peddling misinformation. It takes quite a few years for the fascists to gain enough power to be able to enact the kind of policies that are generally pretty unpopular among normal people.