In 1991, local newsstation reports Nintendo released their successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in...
The story is so weird, like somebody (the reporters? Nintendo?) wanted to do a puff piece that was just letting people know the SNES was coming out and it looked cool, but somebody else wanted a serious but uncreative “outrage” angle so they tacked it on and then promptly ignored it. Dude’s literally playing FZero on the weather department’s green-screen.
Maybe it was outrage marketing. That’s more common today, but even back day there were ads trying to sell games like Sonic by saying that your mom wouldn’t like it.
The story is so weird, like somebody (the reporters? Nintendo?) wanted to do a puff piece that was just letting people know the SNES was coming out and it looked cool, but somebody else wanted a serious but uncreative “outrage” angle so they tacked it on and then promptly ignored it. Dude’s literally playing FZero on the weather department’s green-screen.
Maybe it was outrage marketing. That’s more common today, but even back day there were ads trying to sell games like Sonic by saying that your mom wouldn’t like it.