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    10 months ago

    What hamas did, what started this war, was absolutely unforgivable, horrendous and barbaric. It’s impossible to support that organisation in any way anymore.

    What Israel did which led to this over the last 10 years was stupid and very discriminatory. The amount of violence against the palistinian people during the last decade is well documented and inexcusable. Which could only lead to a violent reaction. (illegal settlements, violence against palistinians, discrimination, withholding electricity and water)

    The rise to (political) power of hamas was a, self defeating victory. It made the position of the palistinian people worse, not better.

    The return of Netanyahu, a convicted criminal if im not mistaken is baffling and unexplainable to any outsider.

    The position of the west in this whole mess should at least raise an eye brow of the voters of our democracies.

    Israels reaction to hamas’ horrific action is completely out of proportion and the attack on the hospital was very wrong in every way. The amount of “weapons” found there means nothing in a war zone. It’s quite possible that the weapons shown are personal sidearms of wounded palistinian fighters dropped off at the hospital.

    The Israeli involvement in Syria seems to be aimed at kicking syria while its down so it stays down. This helps current Israeli military security but it’s very short sighted.

    Israeli mossad actions (killings of scientist etc.) abroad (iran, etc.) while understandable from a military standpoint do not further the Israeli cause. Short term it increased Israeli military security but long term it has great repercussions. It eroded the trustworthiness of Israel to SA levels.

    Israel is on the stupid path for at least the last decade. Ditto Hamas. Hamas especially should be smarter since they’re clearly the less powerful of the two. Israel should be much smarter then this looking at the history of the Jewish people and their state.

    To me it seems nobody really red and understood the koran, the tanakh or the teachings of christ in whichever form.

    But they do use those as an excuse to kill each other. Which is weird.

    So… Putting this all together I can say nothing. Looking at it from western Europe i see a gigantic mess which can only end in tears and genocide. Nobody is willing to give in, so blood will continue to flow. Until there is none left.

    What I can say is: Pax Americana and the European stability will end, somewhere in the next century. While unfortunately for me personally as a European there are very clear markers all around us (if you want to see them, that is) that the current stability/status quo which exist since ww2 will not last.

    Israel should take that into account. Plan for a viable future without american and European support. I don’t see that. I only see very short term reactionary policies.