• PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Roe wasn’t specific enough to provide a good guidance to the lower courts. At what point do abortion restrictions become unreasonable? That was left up to the lower courts to decide on a case-by-case basis. Which basically meant that conservatives started throwing shit at the wall, to see what would stick. Because there wasn’t any hard “do not cross” line, they were able to slowly erode rights by pushing the boundary further and further.

    They just had to toe the line, and see if judges would slap them. If the judge didn’t fuss about them stepping a foot over, they’d scoot the line a little further and try again. And democrats were happy to let them, in the name of compromise. But now that Roe is repealed, Dems have been forced to actually take action and draw hard lines.

    The issue is that lots of people in conservative (or just heavily gerrymandered) areas will suffer. Texas, for instance, is purple when you look at the actual population numbers. But liberal voters in the cities are overwhelmed by the conservative voters in the boonies.