Hi. In today’s episode, we look at the false narrative surrounding police “defunding” and crime, and investigate what cops have really been up to since the s…

  • b1ab
    2 years ago


    Now, if we can go back to my original response.

    I’d love the same information in a format I can feed reasonable moderate republicans. And vice versa for democrats. To spur the discussion. I’m not talking about politicians and so called representatives. They are never going to solve the issues. It keeps them in power.

    I’m talking about real democracy in the exchange of ideas between people that ultimately lead us to a better nation.

    Not calling someone “ignorant” for having the desire to heal polarized friends and family and seeking the tools to do so.

    People that respond the way they did are part of the problem. Entrenched and unwilling to reflect on a complex reality of a giant melting pot of ideologies. Taking a context and manipulating it to spew your world view.

    Good luck with that approach.