Yep. At this point, we should fear millions of Russian refugees on our borders when their country finally collapses.
Lithuanian 30+ year-old shitposter who works as a programmer.
Yep. At this point, we should fear millions of Russian refugees on our borders when their country finally collapses.
Peace Dec
Peace Du
Peace Da
I prefer passing a dict, easier to check what was given and what wasn’t.
WWII might be a distant memory for Americans, but most of Europeans have been to historical sites of Jewish genocide.
To show the goats.
Lithuanian: rodyti ožius.
Means to cry, fight or roll on the ground when you didn’t get what you wanted.
Yes, but also who knows what millions of jews who didn’t survive the genocide could have accomplished in science and art if they stayed alive?
A lot of Nazi technology were just useless Wunderwaffe, while technologically impressive, mostly useless in the field. The V2 rocket was an impressive achievement, but not a price effective bombing system. The jet planes came too little too late. The big tanks were impressive, but too few to make a difference.
Or Canada will make a good deal with the EU.
I speak Lithuanian, English, some Swedish and traces of Russian.
Also, the Onion’s classic “New ad tells teens it’s gay to smoke.”
Similar in Lithuania but we buy them in packs of 10.
The lands and the people around me were heavily scarred by both.
Both fascism and marxism emerge from an assumed conflict within the system: fascism from a conflict between nations and marxism from a conflict between classes.
A failing economy, capitalist or otherwise, is just used as a tool for these ideologies to come into power.
Saying that a movement that aims to change the social order so severely is conservative is also a bit silly.
Both ideologies thrive during periods of crisis, and when one emerges, another might appear nearby. In that case, they will act like one opposes another but the act of opposition to an ideology also reinforces it.
My wife is wears a .45 carat moissanite on her engagement ring. The stone cost 80 euros three years ago.
We have reached the point of the discussion where it becomes a discussion in semantics: What is fascism?
The problem with political philosophy is that actual politicians are often very ignorant of it. They just do whatever keeps them in power or increases the amount of power they wield.
USSR gave up on proper Marxism relatively early. They could have made a fascist turn with someone like Beria in charge.
USSR already had a personality cult in Lenin, militarism, control of media, suppression of dissent, economic control and collectivism.
The only thing that USSR lacked to be considered a fascist regime was nationalism (although I would argue that their attempts to create a homo sovieticus should count) and private industry (maybe if a fascist regime lasted for long enough they would nationalise industry too).
Tbh, I came into this discussion to show how right wing and left wing do not have a useful definition to discuss real world policies. I don’t think that classifying ideologies as left or right wing matters to the people suffering under them.
So, Stalin was both far left and far right at the same time?
Happens with cans of everything.