Rare zshell L
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
Rare zshell L
Al Gore is still alive!
I know. But in the alternate reality where we’d been using 1-based indices forever you’d be telling me how useful it is that the first element is “1” instead of zero and I’d be saying there are some benefits to using zero based index because it’s more like an offset than an index.
Yeah, but if we went back and time and changed it then there wouldn’t be other stuff relying on it being 0-based.
Still! A screen changing is still something that grabs your attention.
Arrays not starting at 1 bother me. I think the entrenched 0-based index is more important than any major push to use 1 instead, but if I could go back in time and change it I would.
But you can’t just magically remotely view somewhere you can’t see.
Then you don’t know where he is!
When I made the post I wasn’t aware it was specifically talking about questioning opening scenes.
So just pick a game with permanent death if you get existential dread about living forever.
Choosing BotW and not TotK is wild. You wanna get lasered by guardians for eternity?
Calling Nazis Nazis is trolling?
“No fucking shit, Sherlock. The unstated premise of my question was that I was concerned I missed something.”
This reminds me of Shrek when Pinocchio gets around lying by saying “I don’t know where he’s not,” but if you think about it for one second you’ll see that knowing where someone is also means you know where they aren’t at. So it’s still a lie.
3, non binary?
adapting vending machine would be easy
Or just have the only coin be the quarter and then it’s so easy it literally requires nothing.
Easier because you wouldn’t need to replace everything that’s coin operated. The vast majority of coin operated things only accept quarters.
Just keep one dollar bills and remove everything but quarters instead. So much easier.
I hate news articles so much. “The (underlined) Associated Press said” ahh, this must be a link to the actual quote, I’ll read that. Nope! Just a link to their website. At least it’s not as bad as other sites that link to other random articles.