I noticed it before I got into IT, but it seems to have gotten worse.
EDIT: Great comments guys, and thanks. I don’t feel so alone. :)
Totally depends on the challenge of the project - and it follows a bell curve. Too easy and it’s annoying, too difficult (or takes too long) and it’s fucking aggravating. But those rare Goldilocks projects that are a challenge but shit just clicks along? Chefs kiss.
Inside you are two wolves.
One has Adhd and the other may be mildly autistic but it turns out they are working together and now its a situation
Blame modern Scrum/Agile and the ever tighter deadlines…
I have mainly worked in Scrum environments. Only now at my current position am I working outside Agile and I LOVE it.
What’s the process you’re using instead? Some form of waterfall?
I’m pretty sure this is just ADHD. And yes, I do have ADHD.
I mean that’s literally what it is from a psychological perspective. Your brain doesn’t reward you for the mere act of finishing a task, so it’s basically impossible to find motivation for it unless it ticks at least one box in your reward center.
This is me. I am not exclusively IT but I am the unofficial IT department for my company (they don’t want to pay an actual IT guy). I feel this across my whole job though. Phew, got that done, what’s gonna happen next?
Careful they don’t abuse you. Make your job description solid and make sure if they want to go outside it, they should pay you more. You are worth it.
Probably they abuse me a bit. I know I’m good at my job but I get imposter syndrome in my head sometimes. $100k a year isn’t awful though. Sometimes I fantasize about dying and all the shit do and know and handle are lost and my coworkers can’t figure shit out.
My last position had this problem. ‘Silo’s of knowledge’. We had a guy who could have retired yesterday who had so much institutional knowledge that when he left people were in such disarray. He was all, “I warned ya! You should have had me training people!”
But no one wants to learn anything beyond their tunnel vision job title.
You’d be surprised how many people have the drive and motivation to learn other things than their job.