<-- me burning, on fire covered in shit, forced to wait 6 hours to see a doctor, the price alone of the 6 hour wait in the ER is $20,000.
As for the TankieTube-Hexbear experience, I had to refresh to make the embedded player finish the second half of the video. I see what others were talking about the other day. It may be a Lemmy problem, because the video works fine on the TT website (for me).
The embedded video doesn’t load for me at all (Firefox, Mac OS)
Wait no scratch that, I didn’t realise noscript was blocking it haha
Oh, phew! I make that mistake a lot too.
deleted by creator
I like the “Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others” warning
I had one really active TT user who left the site because that warning was scaring away his audience, because they thought it meant their computer was going to be hacked. So I have mixed feelings about the warning. It’s a bit much IMO; I would at least rephrase it. A VPN is still recommended though.
I don’t think a VPN is any more required for tankietube than for any other website
Which is to say, yes a VPN is required for all websites
Is the people walking in and asking questions similar to the idea behind the community minded medicine down in Cuba?
There’s definitely stuff I wouldn’t want a crowd for, but other things I can totally see commiserating with other people in the room. Neat learning experience if its something avoidable the doctor can give group advice on too.