Half the article complaining about NGO’s getting seized and mentioning stalinism check classic trot article why don’t you post other articles on the front page celebrating the Victory of HTS in Syria or the Hong Kong rioters?
https://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article8789 https://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article8793
”The Ortega-Murillo regime has betrayed the legacy of the Sandinista Revolution and makes a US-led neoliberal takeover more feasible.”
the opposition are literal Vatgrown NED US-led coalition of neoliberals, wtf.
muh stalinist
i wish this country was actually full of stalinists lol
Another nice line from this article:
"Voices on the left speak up
As with Venezuela, voices on the left are increasingly expressing concern about the Ortega regime. Chilean President Gabriel Boric called recently for political prisoners to be freed and human rights abuses prosecuted “regardless of the political affiliation of who is governing."
I love when I read the name of an organization and immediately understand their entire politics