Just a reminder, when a handful of people from minorities do it, it reveals something about minorities or their culture; when our best and bravest do it, it just reveals something about those specific individuals.
The police operate in a system that allows them to do these things, the military too; minorities don’t.
Every cop is a piece of shit.
Every veteran is a piece of shit.
Doesn’t matter if you’re ‘a good one’, you’re wearing the badge and uniform; you’re a piece of shit.
works for everything
In Darwin, Australia they’re just as bad. They also like to get drunk on Mitchell Street and then drive back to the base drunk.
It’s an occupation force, they see locals as subjects instead of people
All troops are bastards
All combatants are bastards.
also the most car-hell part of japan btw
MCAS Futenma is placed right in the middle of where the rest of the city would be, forcing everything to be more spread out than it should.
Look at the placement of this runway and despair.
Hey, at least they’ve got root beer over there, so they’ve got that going for them
Marines are crayon-poweredremoved machines
Wishing the protestors all the best
Seppos fuck outta Uchinaa