I’d rather see a dramatization of early Steamboat Willie trying to find relevance in the modern entertainment industry.
4/10? That’s still two times better than Winnie the Pooh.
barely even satire, this is almost guaranteed to be announced within the year
It already has
please show me i need to make fun of it asap
Infestation: Origins, a video game.
Mickey’s Mouse Trap, a horror movie.
They’re better off creating the first 420 Steamboat Willie movie.
I’m waiting for the porn myself.
Motorboat Willie, Stepmom Willie, an untapped resource in every sense.
Spitroast Willie, starring Mickey, Minnie and that fat cat that also appears
Looking forward to Willie Wonka and the Steamboat Factory
I’m there to see Black Flag screaming through the lips of this fucking mouse. That’d be a proper funeral to it’s copyright.
Turns out Mickey also had the 10 1/2!
“Steamboat Willie and the Secret Rings” was in there.
I thought this was supposed to be parody but this seems very accurate.