Ah yeah, get rid of the country doing more to combat climate change than any other, the one who, if they meet their targets this year, will install more solar panels than the US has ever done. In a single year.
That’ll totally fix it.
Not to mention supplying the rest of the world with solar panels, which the US is incapable of doing.
looks at emissions per capita
Actually China is the biggest emiter of emissions per capita, what you need to look at is emissions by consumption per capita and there China is pretty low and Usonians are top of the list.
I’m pretty sure Kuwait or something like that is number one in emissions/Capita.
They’re right, though. If it wasn’t for China, the imperialists could forget about climate change and pretend it isn’t happening. As it is, they need a massive propaganda campaign to try to make us think that the problem wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the Chinese and so that people don’t look into what China’s doing, which is quite embarrassing for the west.
They already pretend it isn’t happening. If China wasn’t creating any emissions, I think we’d have more elsewhere since the imperialists still want their cheap labor outsourced somewhere
As a US citizen, I suggest the following alternative:
Least Sinophobic Amerikkkan rightist be like.
The US military is one of the biggest polluters on the planet and they say this shit
For a solution to exist it must be materially possible to do first. otherwise its nonsense.
Without realizing it this moron also took sides with China by removing Taiwan along with it.
That is probably because that is how the shp file is organized. All of the borderlines with other countries and the sea are made into a polygon. The data associated with each of these boundaries has a country associated with it. That particular island in the South China Sea is a province of China in the shp file data. Thus removing all polygons associated with china includes Taiwan. The poster would have to go out of their way to modify the shp file to differentiate Taiwan from the rest of China to do what you said.