Somethings are just wrong, this is one of them.
I am disgusted, but part of me wants to crochet one because I can.
This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. I hate that I can smell this picture. (Those rugs, auuugh!)
The family poodle will love this, as it drinks in Victorian luxury.
My grandmother had a seat that had a permanent padding on it. Wasn’t fuzzy but I kept wondering how long it had been there as I remember it being there in 1987. They loved these cozies in Japan though and at first I thought it was a novel idea since we’d freeze our butts in the winter but shortly after I got mine I threw it away. Just gross.
I read the title as “The Toilet Cosby” and did not know what to expect
Ah, yes. A Doody Doily.
How can something be so opulent and so ratchet at the exact same time?
What, specifically, is “cosy” about this?!
More like “beer cosy” and less like “cosy and warm”.
I can smell this bathroom through the picture alone.